Track record 01 "Power Tail Gate"
Case summary
Nowadays, each vehicle makers are emphasizing the fuel or energy saving for the vehicles. This is to improve the environment pollution. We have been working on motor size reduction but performance is comparable on power latch application. The down-sized motor is optimized by increasing the number of poles, better cogging and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) suppression circuitry etc.. This enables the new motor to be 10% more compact for slim tailgate designs, better sound quality and less electromagnetic interference to the surrounding devices.Problem
- 1. Motor weight reduction with comparable performance
- 2. Lower sound level
- 3. Less energy consumption for the vehicle
- 1. Number of poles is increased
- 2. Compact EMC circuitry
Finished product

An example of a motor used for electric tailgates.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only.